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MATTO - Tavba qiling, chunki masihning shohligi yaqindir!
Mattoga ko'ra masihning hushxabarini o'rganish
A - TOG'DAGI VA'Z: OSMON SHOHLIGINING QOIDALARI (MATTO 5:1 – 7:27) -- Iso So'zlarining Birinchi To'plami

a) Bahtiyorliklar (Matto 5:1-12)

MATTO 5:10
10 Adolat yo'lida jabr ko'rganlar bahtlidir, chunki Osmon Shohligi ularnikidir. (1 Butrus 3:14)

The eighth ring of joy sounds somehow bitter, for it is directed towards God’s servants, His peace-makers, those who are beaten for their love’s sake, mocked at for their bringing the good news of reconciliation to God and despised for forgiving others’ faults. Do you think the result of your preaching would be better received than that of Christ and his followers? Blessed are you if you suffer for the sake of your testimony. In case you are facing troubles for the sake of the righteousness of God and His gracious justification of sinners, you are in actual fellowship with Christ. Hursandchilikning sakkizinchi jarangi qanday bo'lsa ham achchiq tovush beradi, chunki bu Xudoning xizmatchilariga, tinchlik o'rnatuvchilariga, sevgilari uchun kaltak yeydiganlarga, Xudoning yarashuvi haqida xushxabarni olib kelganlari uchun nafratlanganlarga va boshqalarni ayiblarini kechirganliklari uchun nafratlanilganlarga qaratiladi. Siz Masih va Uning izdoshlarinikiga qaraganda sizning voizligingiz yaxshiroq qabul qilinadi deb o'ylaysizmi? Agar siz guvohligingiz tufayli azob tortsangiz bahtlisiz. Mabodo siz Xudoning solihligi va Uning gunohkorlarning oqlanishi uchun muammolarga duch kelyotgan bo'lsangiz, siz Masih bilan birgasiz. As a result the Savior of the world will dwell with you, empower you, comfort you and keep you as the apple of His eye. Do not be angry bearing grudges against others, but rather rejoice, for your Lord is greater than the earthly possessions lost for the sake of His righteousness. He has provided for you a spiritual kingdom in His presence forever. All that God owns is waiting for those who are persecuted for the sake of His righteousness. Dunyoning Najodkori siz bilan yashaydi, sizni kuchlantiradi, sizga dalda beradi va ko'z qorachig'idek sizni asraydi. Boshqalarga qarshi qasd qilib jahlingiz chiqmasin, balki buning o'rniga quvoning, chunki Rabbingiz solihligi tufayli dunyoviy mol-mulkdan ko'ra buyukroqdir. U abadiy siz uchun huzurida ruhiy shohlikni bergan. Xudoniki bo'lgan hamma narsa solihligi uchun quvg'in bo'lganlarni kutib turibdi.


  1. Tinchlik xushxabarining targ'ib etuvchilari nima uchun ba'zan zo'ravon qarshilikka uchraydilar?


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