Waters of Life

Biblical Studies in Multiple Languages

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"I will give to the thirsty of the fountain of the WATER OF LIFE freely." (Revelation 21:6)


DECEMBER 2012 -- (11500 pages)
OCTOBER 2012 -- (10300 pages)
POLISH -- ROMANS - Pan Jest naszym sprawiedliwość -- (Meditations 1-82) -- October 2012
SEPTEMBER 2012 -- (9800 pages)
FRENCH -- T6: TEN COMMANDMENTS - Les Dix Commandements -- (Chapters 1-13) -- September 2012
GERMAN -- REVELATION - Siehe ich komme bald! -- (Meditations 1-258) -- September 2012
GERMAN -- T6: TEN COMMANDMENTS - Die Zehn Gebote -- (Chapters 1-13) -- September 2012
HEBREW -- T6: TEN COMMANDMENTS - עשרת הדיברות -- (Chapters 1-13) -- September 2012
POLISH -- T6: TEN COMMANDMENTS - Dziesięć Przykazań -- (Chapters 1-13) -- September 2012
JUNE 2012 -- (8300 pages)
RUSSIAN -- REVELATION - Се, гряду скоро! -- (Meditations 1-258) -- June 2012
APRIL 2012 -- (7400 pages)
MARCH 2012 -- (7200 pages)
INDONESIAN -- ACTS - Mengiringi Pawai Kemenangan Kristus -- (Meditations 1-123) -- March 2012
FEBRUARY 2012 -- (6900 pages)
ENGLISH -- EPHESIANS - Be Filled With the Spirit! -- (Meditations 1-48) -- February 2012
ENGLISH -- REVELATION - Behold, I am Coming Soon! -- (Meditations 1-258) -- February 2012
PORTUGUESE -- ACTS - Na procissão triunfal de Cristo -- (Meditations 1-132) -- February 2012
PORTUGUESE -- ROMANS - O Senhor é a nossa Justiça -- (Meditations 1-82) -- February 2012
SERBIAN -- ROMANS - Gospod je naša pravednost -- (Meditations 1-82) -- February 2012
JANUARY 2012 -- (6200 pages)
ARABIC -- MARK - من هو المسيح؟ -- (Meditations 1-112) -- January 2012
CHINESE -- ACTS - 在基督得胜的行列中 -- (Meditations 1-123) -- January 2012
SERBIAN -- ACTS - U Hristovoj pobedničkoj povorci -- (Meditations 1-123) -- January 2012
UZBEK -- ROMANS - Rabbiy bizning solihligimiz! -- (Meditations 1-82) -- January 2012


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